
Be a part of the solution.

In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, many parents are struggling to secure the vital means and support they need to provide for their family’s basic needs. It’s not abuse that’s fueling this crisis, but rather, neglect stemming from the overwhelming effects of poverty. Preventing neglect and keeping thousands of children from experiencing harmful disruption in their lives is entirely possible through interventions focused on stabilizing and strengthening families. 

Help a vulnerable child now.

We believe that children belong in the care of healthy, loving families. And that families should be supported by their local church and caring members of their community.

CarePortal is connecting technology that drives action for local children and families in crisis. Take meaningful action on the platform that’s connecting the largest network of caring people to meet the needs of kids and families in crisis.

Get Involved


Become a Church Responder and activate your faith community to be the hands and feet of Jesus for vulnerable children.


Enroll as an individual and become a Community Responder by mobilizing your family to help children and families in our community.


Give back to our community directly and inspire a culture of generosity in your workplace. Enroll as a Community Champion or Sponsor.

Mobilize your Congregation.

Explore powerful, real-time opportunities for your church to serve others and express its faith through action. Fulfill tangible needs for vulnerable children and families and connect them with ongoing support from the faith community.

Empower your ministry groups by building one or several response teams. Connect with other churches and community partners who are eager to help you meet needs.

Help a Child Today.

You can meet your first need in a matter of minutes. Explore critical, real-time opportunities to help a local child and family in need. Fulfill your own personal desire to help vulnerable children in the name of Jesus. Satisfy tangible needs for children and families and connect them with ongoing support from the faith community. Track and celebrate the powerful impact that you and others are making in the community.

Make a Positive Impact on the Life of a Child through your Business.

Community Champion

Connect employees with opportunities to give back to our community that aligns with your company values. Fulfill tangible needs that enable churches to provide immediate and ongoing support to vulnerable children. Track and celebrate the powerful impact your company is making in the community.

Community Sponsors

Provide additional support to churches and responders who can do not have the funds themselves. Give directly to KARE Society for the purpose of supporting the operational costs of being an Implementing Partner.